Love Letters

UI/UX Design
Product Design
Physical Computing
3 weeks, 2023
Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Research, Physical Computing, Arduino, HTTP Request, Laser Cutting
Individual Project
Love Lettes is a mobile application and physical device set that helps long distance lovers stay connected by sending and receiving heartfelt messages, even when they are worlds apart.
Targeted Users
We analyzed the information exchange system among the various participants involved the process of home care, which includes, patients, family caregivers, assistive care team and doctors. The primary users of our app includes, family caregivers, assistive care team, and doctors. While the patients are the secondary user of our app.
User Study
We created the following user persons based on information collected from a variety of secondary materials, including documentaries, journal articles, and research papers.

We identified the following user paint points
For patients and family caregivers, receiving on-site assistive care is very unaffordable and time-consuming
‍For assistive care teams and doctors, the insufficient professionals available creates a lot of stress
There is no tool designed specifically for communications among family caregivers, assistive care teams, and doctors, which makes the communications unstable and disorganized
Design Solutions
We proposed a mobile phone application designed for family caregivers and medical professionals with the following key features/functions.
01 - User Onboarding & Responsive Color Themes
When using the app for the first time, users are prompted to identify whether they are family caregivers, members of an assistive care team, or doctors. The interface's color scheme changes depending on the assigned role, which aids in managing the information exchange between various users.

↓ Responsive color scheme based on the users' role
Assistive Care Team
Family Caregiver
02 - Initiating and Managing Cases
Using the app's case management system, members of the assistive care team and doctors can manage all of the cases they are working on. The system allows them to keep track of the patients' information while also directing them to other functions such as curated chat rooms and monitoring forms.

↓ Assistive care team member's view as an example
03 - Online Curated Chatroom
The online curated chatroom promotes clearer and more effective communication among all types of users. The Q&A function, meeting function, and form function allow users to clearly see the topics in which they are involved and easily track all of the matters that have been discussed.

↓ Doctor's view as an example
04 - Daily Health Monitor Form
Doctors and care team members design, initiate, and review monitoring forms, which are then completed by family caregivers. The forms enable medical professionals to create indicators that are unique to each patient. The use of monitoring forms makes home care more connected to professional assistance.

<- A list of indicators used in the design prototype.
05 - AR-based Guidance
We also proposed using AR technology to guide family caregivers in performing more accurate and professional measurements, thereby improving the quality of home care.
User Flow
There are in total 5 sections in the entire user flow, which are, user onboarding, case management, health monitor forms, online chatrooms, and AR-based guidance. Users with different roles will have different experience in the app.
Social Impact
Our proposal fit to two Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs). We can effectively help hospitals and other third-party service providers to take up their corporation social responsibility while collaborating with HomeCare.
HomeCare works with professional home care team and medical professionals to optimizing the life quality of patient enduring long-term physical and mental distress. Professional makes perfect.
We reduce inequalities at a lower cost. The great convenience brought by HomeCare's friendly user experience and well-structured functions would make up the policy vacancy, and cultivate user loyalty. With a larger scale and social impact, policymakers would be more likely to prioritize direction of limited funds towards home care.
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