UI/UX Design Intern at Nike, Inc

UI/UX Design
June - August, 2022
Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Research, Wire-framing, Prototype
UI/UX Design Intern
During my internship at Nike, Inc, I worked as a UI/UX designer at the e-commerce experience team of Converse. I collaborated closely with the brand creative team, the development team, and the senior designers to upgrade and reorganize the UX system for Converse's online store.
Participating online yoga session (it was a lot of fun!)
What did I do? 
As part of the design team for Converse Tmall FS store, I designed and organized a comprehensive UI design system that was both visually appealing and functional. I created template variants for various e-commerce UI modules, including promotion information, promotion timelines, and live announcements, to address different user scenarios. The end result was a user-friendly, functional UI design system that drove sales for the store.

I also evaluated the user experience by performing UX audit and analyzing user data. I advised on improvements based on the evaluation results to enhance the customer experience, including redesigning features, improving navigation and accessibility.
Selected pages from UX audit report
Last but not the least, I was also responsible for producing visual assets for weekly promotions and coordinated with brand and development teams for campaign launches.
Design process of UI modules
What did I learn?
During my UI/UX design internship at Nike, Inc., Converse, I gained valuable experience and knowledge in the field of UX design. One of the key things I learned was the importance of communication and collaboration in the product design process. As a designer, it was critical to effectively communicate my design solutions and ideas to other parts of the product pipeline, such as the creative team and development team. This required clear and concise presentations, as well as an ability to listen to feedback and adjust my designs as needed. Through this process, I gained a deeper understanding of the importance of a team approach in design and the role of a UI/UX designer in the overall product development process.

Another area where I gained insight was in the realm of user experience in e-commerce. I learned about the various priorities that designers must consider when creating an e-commerce platform, such as allowing users to quickly find the products they want, building customer loyalty through social media engagement, and customizing the UI interface based on the user's profile. This experience gave me a better appreciation for the importance of designing for the user, and the impact that even small design decisions can have on the overall customer experience.

In short, my UI/UX design internship at Nike, Inc., Converse was a valuable learning experience that gave me a deeper understanding of the design process, user experience in e-commerce, and the importance of communication and collaboration in design. These skills and knowledge will be invaluable as I continue my career in the field of UI/UX design.
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